Saturday, June 22, 2019

Divine FEMALE changes and planetary with lunar alignments from R.M. Simone'

Our Changes
The DIVINE FEMININE and SOPHIA GAIA Spirit body of our Earth.

It truly seems recently that the acceleration of how the energies are impacting us all is both Cosmic and Planetary.  Our earth bodies are constantly going through this Kundalini rising, Galactic inflowing energies and our challenges to BALANCE between our mortal body and our light body.

We were made to handle the expansion and integration of our SPIRIT in our TEMPLE which is our body.  Not always a 'cake walk' but since January 2019 the FEMININE is surging.  The Masculine is having his own issues regarding evolution and keeping up.  Or not keeping up at all as many of us feel the Goddess and this DIVINE change as we are part of the body of this revealing the HIGHER FEMININE Self.

Stirrings within our soul and body causes us to spend hours attempting to relax, regenerate and reveal outselves in HER LIGHT of this CHANGE.  We are part of this and we are coming into an entirely new way the Goddess LIVES through us.  

Sacredness is afoot and we are part of a living Temple of feeling this.

Go spend time at the Ocean
Go spend time at the Mountain
 Go spend time in the forest or at a river
NATURE Calls and is DIVINE

Eat and fuel the Sacred 
Take time to receive Massage, Reiki, or Vedic treatments.
Bathe in beautiful oils and herbs with flowers.

Learn the Old Ways that help US to FLOWER AND EMBODY now this
 extraordinary change we all are in.

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel GABRIEL
and for LOVE which is also happening on a planetary cosmic level 
Arch Angel CHAMUEL