This is a TEASER. In the coming series of on-line classes one is about INTIMACY and a woman's sexual needs. With energies rising, when a woman reaches between 36 to 42 there is a natural RISING of our sexual energies, pre-menopausal time and our Uranus opposition in one's natal astrology charts. What DOES THIS MEAN? Well, bluntly put, we need a longer sexual moment with our mate partner and a lot of sexual orgasms. NOW Men, I must be BLUNT here. Honest to a point and direct. Most men in America and my female ladies I know in Europe say this too, that you guys last about 15 minutes in sex? If that is TRUE nod your heads. Now that presents a major problem at this time of 'we need and would like more.'
ONE WORD...EDGE-ING. A man needs to learn how to sustain his 'sword' ie erection and not lose it. You need to learn how to stay hard and not release. This is where your partner or you can do a technique, to get you to practice this. In the class this is discussed. If a man is not pleasing his partner or allowing the feminine to really get into her orgasms, yes with an 's', we will be grumpy and often this time of relationship undergoes a major shake up. Divorce happens and so do other lovers find their way into marriages. Before it was the males in this age period grabbing a last hurrah with a much younger female. NOT NOW. Now with the female energies changing, we often attract in much younger men with stamina, fun, in shape bodies and yes, longer rides. WHY? It is partly our libido and our KUNALINI rising and hormones and children more grown. We are just getting started gentlemen and we need a partner that can help us with all this energy we need to release and enjoy the pleasure of our bodies.
Did I share too much?
Stay tuned. Technique is coming in the 3rd class of this new series for WOMEN.
Roshandra, warmly writing on
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