Saturday, January 2, 2021

January 2, 2021 Awakening of NEW Paradigm of LOVE Relationships The YEAR OF THE TWINS from Roshandra *

    DIVINE LOVE and Coming Divine Unions 

We are on the precipice of this DIVINE CHANGE of a Higher energy which means our Past joins of of most special deep true loves while our Future is being written in this NOW moment of the PRESENT TIME.  

What does this mean?   Well, these highly romantic dreams of our past encounters when CAMELOT or ATLANTIS or other magnificent key times found us in the Incarnation with a matching TRUE LOVE that provided us the experience of both Heavenly feelings divinely so and EARTH bound bodies to 'touch'.... THE PARADIGM now joins, intertwines and becomes the opportunity of weaving in TANTRA the energies of the evolved souls back to polarity UNION... OUR HEARTS will become fulfilled this year.  Movement of DIVINE LOVE of Heaven on Earth is possible. 

The TIME OF THE TWINS.  Twin Flame kindles this, TWIN RAY is band ray, Twin ANGELIC Human is also happening and KEY SOUL MATE is another aspect to the many types of Divine RELATIONSHIPS of this HIGHER OCTAVE OF LOVE coming now.  

Divine BLESSINGS Author R. M. Simone... Roshandra warmly writing on 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Divine FEMALE changes and planetary with lunar alignments from R.M. Simone'

Our Changes
The DIVINE FEMININE and SOPHIA GAIA Spirit body of our Earth.

It truly seems recently that the acceleration of how the energies are impacting us all is both Cosmic and Planetary.  Our earth bodies are constantly going through this Kundalini rising, Galactic inflowing energies and our challenges to BALANCE between our mortal body and our light body.

We were made to handle the expansion and integration of our SPIRIT in our TEMPLE which is our body.  Not always a 'cake walk' but since January 2019 the FEMININE is surging.  The Masculine is having his own issues regarding evolution and keeping up.  Or not keeping up at all as many of us feel the Goddess and this DIVINE change as we are part of the body of this revealing the HIGHER FEMININE Self.

Stirrings within our soul and body causes us to spend hours attempting to relax, regenerate and reveal outselves in HER LIGHT of this CHANGE.  We are part of this and we are coming into an entirely new way the Goddess LIVES through us.  

Sacredness is afoot and we are part of a living Temple of feeling this.

Go spend time at the Ocean
Go spend time at the Mountain
 Go spend time in the forest or at a river
NATURE Calls and is DIVINE

Eat and fuel the Sacred 
Take time to receive Massage, Reiki, or Vedic treatments.
Bathe in beautiful oils and herbs with flowers.

Learn the Old Ways that help US to FLOWER AND EMBODY now this
 extraordinary change we all are in.

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel GABRIEL
and for LOVE which is also happening on a planetary cosmic level 
Arch Angel CHAMUEL

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Moon PUJA bi-monthly classes are on going with Roshandra * Arch ANGEL GABRIEL

For over 21 years, classes have been offered in person for MOON TIME.  With the internet it is possible and as a Reiki long distance energy healer, on line classes work just as effectively.  MOON window bi-monthly is a KEY TIME for Meditation, PUJA and Manifesting.

 New Moon is for seeding a project or mission work or furthering a project you are working with or on.

Full Moon is for introspection and deepening your meditation and inner process clearing.   Your INTUITION is expanded during that time also

Techniques I am teaching with and working with follows a discipline practice beginning with detoxing your body, aura and energy emotions to prepare for moon time meditation. How to work with PUJA, a Hindu technique and of OLD Temple time of a higher nature, is given and are worked via Candles, Numbers, Planetary energies, Moon PHASE doorway and ANGELIC aid of Arch ANGEL GABRIEL.  Purity, peace, protection with Clarity.   You are also given basics for BHAKTI YOGA this type of ceremony ritual is and Altar for home to do this on.  We enhance our homes when we meditate, pray and align with a moon time quiet.   In feng shui this feeds the higher energy of the soul and spirit for the home and those that live under that roof.  For the person, though, this enhances your spiritual growth and energy of the moon vibrations the phase is in.  This steadies the aspirant and creates a self discipline practice that during moon phases you are focused and grounded and not tossed about.

Three days prior to a NEW Moon or FULL Moon is when you begin to cleanse your energy field and prepare.  Getting quiet and taking the time to focus on moon.  WHY? Well, this gives you heightened psychic abilities and inner guidance alignments.   Then three days through the exact moon time we do A PUJA with Meditation one for each day.   Those in the class receive THREE PUJA OUTLINES and according to your personal needs and your natal moon.

So, every 14 days we enter moon energy and that comes out to about 6 days per key moon times two  Approximately 12 to 14 days a month, nearly half the month, we are influenced by LUNAR energies and we can work with and ride this with our creating process and our spiritual energy become more centered in our Soul.  It is a powerful on going method that brings about stronger aura field and a stronger inner guidance along with intuition.  This creates spiritual strengthening and your aura field to be more aligned with your Higher purpose.

Please email, me, Roshandra at or here for class sign up.   The classes are done in a private ON LINE group along with astrological information and moon significance.  Namaste

Intuition - how to safely be more INTUITIVE and work with your Inner Guidance by Roshandra Reiki Master

Intuition is a by product of the SOUL.  If you are sensitive and feel you have had moments of FLASH Vision or Empathic abilities that let's you FEEL a knowing of what to do or inner Guidance.

When we are developing in our spiritual nature side, there are basic self discipline techniques that the bi product of this work will aid your Intuition to be more easily accessed.  I receive many questions from others how to help them with tools to work more accurately with their own INTUITION.

First, how does one CLEAR your own energy?

Second, what is basic self discipline practice and what does it do?

Third, what are the TYPES of CLAIRS that one may have naturally?  There are 7 Clairs or psychic spiritual gifts.  Some are more FEELING, or Knowing or VISIONARY.  Some of you have one key method that we will talk about to refine.   My gifts are all 7 of the Clairs.  So in aiding others, it allows me as a Teacher and Reiki master healer, to tune into each person in session work or private work and look in over their shoulder to help them get better or enhance their gifts.

Fourth, how do you use the breathe?  How do you use the third eye?  How do you use the Moon? How do you use the body to help the messages or inner guidance flow?  How do you remove the noise?   You cannot hear if you cannot get the mind and body and emotions CALM and QUIET.

This class is in three sessions and with homework.  Please email me Roshandra, or via this blog.  Namaste and Blessings.

Awakening - Ascension with the Body...what is going on? Roshandra Reiki Master

The past week, since the Sagittarius NEW moon December 11th, 2015 triggered open a huge energy wave and alignment of planetary flows.    We are Experiencing HUGE Awakenings now and it means folks FEEL this.  THOSE of you that are Sensitive are going through aches, Ascension and body clearings.   Please read on.

AWAKENING Now.  WHY? and with your Body Temple.
Everyone feels this rapture, this movement of energy and the waves causing your physical body going through this change.  Kundalini is rising within your body and it is up to those of you that are going through Ascension in a body, that you are meant to ride through this and balance this.  It is challenging.  Often there is a tiredness, explosions of emotions or anger, frustration and a feeling of being spaced out.   You all feel parts of your physical body with blocks of energy as this EARTH energy of Her Spirit, Sophia Gaia, is Awakening and moving upwards from your feet through your body.  From ABOVE, we are feeling the Galactic WAVES and downloads of Light, Codes and Visions.    

My work up at Mt. Shasta focuses on this with information and teaching on the changes of the LIGHT BODY, some call it the Crystalline body and the earth body which must be Bridged.  Both bodies are part of the Electrical system we are in flux in and our Consciousness field and our Soul in the earth body Temple.    The three lower chakras, are key and grounding and balancing both your bodies that are going through the ups and downs of this.   

For those that would like CLASSES on Ascension with the BODY, tools to work with and overviews on how to navigate this, please email me Roshandra and we can Gather in CUPERTINO in a forum to aid you.  This past week since the NEW MOON I have had MANY HOLISTIC Practitioners come in for clearing or counseling sessions due to the process they are in with the Awakening. Those that help others need to be CLEAR First so your work is supported with your own CLARITY.  These are the professionals that I aid and am able to help.   Also, retreat in Shasta, a three day period of quiet is an essential key for your meditation and self discipline becoming stronger.   Shasta is an amazing location, grid and sacred mountain for this energy.  It also is where the Earth ROOT Chakra is on the planet.   

Many BLESSINGS and email here or for your interest in the classes and tools that can be discussed.  Gatherings at the BAY CLUB in Cupertino....Namaste. 

Monday, December 7, 2015


I want to share this too in the MOON GROUP and THIS NEW MOON is triggering this in  Sagittarius. I just came across this today and it HITS ALL the MAJOR POINTS for what is going on and the CHANGES folks are Feeling and having to Face and GO THROUGH... Roshandra, Sharing

CHANGE IS A MUST and GROWTH now.. Awakening::::

10 Major Shifts in Consciousness You Might Be Experiencing
Posted by Panacea on December 6, 2015 at 4:25amView Blog
10 Things to Expect When You're Expecting a Shift in Consciousness
On an individual and collective level, major changes are blasting through humankind. You may have not consciously perceived this, however you would havefelt the changes upon you. Speeding up dramatically, like wheels of a cosmic engine that are flexing hard, until our consciousness reaches the speed of light itself.

Freedom, laughter, love, compassion, creation and liberation of self, are on the horizon as we embark upon the new world rising. The following list will prepare you for the shift coming and what can be expected, in this Golden Age that is upon us.

As we know Karma means action. You will begin to notice that your actions either positive or negative have immediate impact on you and everyone else around you. Whatever you are putting out, you will be getting back.
This will occur at an advanced rate, unlike other lifetimes where you have needed to reincarnate to tie up loose ends. This acceleration is allowing for us all to “settle the scores” that need to be settled. What I have witnessed is a 2-3 month return on both negative and positive actions.

2. Perception
What we currently view in our surroundings is ‘toned down’ and with the lifting of the veil, comes the opening of our astral eyes. As our astral eyes begin to open once more, we will have the innate ability to finally see as we were meant to.

What was once beautiful to you will become ugly and shadowed and what was once overlooked will become magnificent in grandeur. The appearance of what was once simple becomes intricate. The appreciation of the sky, the grass, the trees the dirt and the beauty of earths initial creation will far outweigh the appeal of materialistic goods and trade.
It would be like seeing a piece of wood and finally seeing its genetic makeup and connecting to its essence. Or viewing the air around you, and finally seeing the energy of electrons glinting before you.
Have you ever had a moment when you knew that you weren’t alone, yet no one else was visibly in the room with you?  This shift will finally allow us to see, feel and hear those who are at this time hidden from our view able spectrum.

3. Structural DNA Changes
What was once considered “junk dna” is no longer. Scientists have now discovered a vital clue in unraveling these riddles. The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but now they turn out to play a critical role in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave and interact.
thoughts dnaThe discovery is considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough. These higher strands of our dna will bring us more in tune with our selves as we are beginning to activate our dna through our ever-expanding consciousness. Within the double helix there are additional double helix strands which fuse together. This is the multi dimensional spectrum of dna manifestation that we are beginning to remember and will catapult our species into evolved galactic being of the universe.

4. Masculine Feminine
Since the beginning of time, the masculine and feminine energy have been separated. With this separation the magic and instant manifestation of desires has been compromised. The union of our feminine and masculine energies within each individual is the basis of all creation.
The feminine receives the universal creative energy and the masculine expresses it in the world through action – this giving us a creative process.
Our female is inspired by a creative impulse and communicates it to us through a feeling, and our male acts on it by speaking, moving, etc.
Our female intuition plus our male action, equals creativity.  In order to live a harmonious and creative life, you need to have both your inner female and male energies fully developed and functioning correctly together.
“To live simply out of our intellect would be a cold unloving experience. To simply live out of our feelings, we would be deadlocked in surviving, but not achieving greatness.”

5. Thoughts and Emotions
Mindful control of conscious thought is at the premise of this shift. as thoughts create our emotions. Careful observation of thought is essential and will be in preparation for the following steps to come. We will no longer allow our emotions to control our actions.
We are energetic beings and emotions carry wavelengths of energy and as such our thoughts and emotions create our own realities.

6. Feelings
Feelings are different from emotions and need to be understood as such. Feelings are about our intuition, as a feeling is generated from the heart center and perpetuated through the third eye chakra, as intuition of perception.
As we evolve, our intuitive feelings will become heightened through the amplified use of our four major “sixth senses” being Clairvoyance,  Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. Our telepathic abilities will increase to the point where “lying” is no longer possible.
Speaking through the use of “spoken language” will no longer be used as our thoughts will become our main communication and interaction with one another.

7. Astral Projection & Remote Viewing
Whether you are aware of this or not. Astral projections are happening now and there are many projectors around the world who have tapped in to this level of consciousness. Remote viewing is the ability to astral travel to a specific place and time and witness the activities of those on this earth plane, remember them and returning to your own body with the knowledge.

We all have the ability to astral project, because we all are endowed with spiritual gifts of the “6th senses”  it is up to you whether or not you will make the conscious changes in your life to enhance this ability.
Meditation is key, as well as enhancing your intuition through third eye exercises, cultivating the intuitive process.

8. Endless Possibilities
Unfolding consciousness is key to understanding the endless possibilities of our own reality. Our current reality is based upon our choice, the actions of others and just a bit of chance. With the understanding that we do not exist on single line, of birth until death we can become the creators of our own future.
Each of the alternate possibilities of reality are as real as your current reality that you consciously perceive in this state.  With this shift, we will have the ability to see the “alternate endings” and therefore choose the best possible outcome giving the ability to live the life of our dreams. While also viewing the alternate realities of the choices not chosen.

9. Creationists
Near the further end of this shift, “every thought will have drastic an immediate impact. All dreams will become reality and so will our nightmares. The future will become a battle of ideas and we must learn to direct our minds”. In the future, we will be the creators out of the ether, or (aether) as it was called in ancient times.
Our thoughts will unfold our surroundings. With every step you take you will be creating what you are stepping on, with your own thoughts and nothing more.  We will have the ability to create entire worlds in the blink of an eye, as well as destroy them.

10. Connectivity
Our evolving consciousness will no longer be singular. The connectivity between all things will become apparent upon this shift. Whether it be the linking up between you and another human being, a plant, animal and even the spiritual realm on this plane.
These can be exciting or fearful, the choice is up to you.This evolution of consciousness is exploding at a rampant rate and it is constantly “amping” up in potency.

by LJ Vanier

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Men and EDGING by Roshandra

This is a TEASER.   In the coming series of on-line classes one is about INTIMACY and a woman's sexual needs.  With energies rising, when a woman reaches between 36 to 42 there is a natural RISING of our sexual energies, pre-menopausal time and our Uranus opposition in one's natal astrology charts.  What DOES THIS MEAN?     Well, bluntly put, we need a longer sexual moment with our mate partner and a lot of sexual orgasms.   NOW Men, I must be BLUNT here.  Honest to a point and direct.   Most men in America and my female ladies I know in Europe say this too, that you guys last about 15 minutes in sex?   If that is TRUE nod your heads.  Now that presents a major problem at this time of 'we need and would like more.'

ONE WORD...EDGE-ING.    A man needs to learn how to sustain his 'sword' ie erection and not lose it. You need to learn how to stay hard and not release.  This is where your partner or you can do a technique, to get you to practice this.   In the class this is discussed.   If a man is not pleasing his partner or allowing the feminine to really get into her orgasms, yes with an 's', we will be grumpy and often this time of relationship undergoes a major shake up.  Divorce happens and so do other lovers find their way into marriages.  Before it was the males in this age period grabbing a last hurrah with a much younger female. NOT NOW.  Now with the female energies changing, we often attract in much younger men with stamina, fun, in shape bodies and yes, longer rides.  WHY?  It is partly our libido and our KUNALINI rising and hormones and children more grown.  We are just getting started gentlemen and we need a partner that can help us with all this energy we need to release and enjoy the pleasure of our bodies.

Did I share too much?

Stay tuned.  Technique is coming in the 3rd class of this new series for WOMEN.

Roshandra, warmly writing on